

This is Sonal Tiwary.

Kindly connect with me for any legal help.

I am interested in pro bono lawyering and want to work for the cause of people of my state Jharkhand.

Power corrupts absolutely. Massive power is in the hand of Government. People should now fight for their rights.

Do get in touch if you see any injustice anywhere.

Feel free to contact anytime.

Specialised in:

1. Cyber Law

2. Human Rights issue including Rights of dalit, child, senior citizen and women.

3. Aviataion Law and Water Law.

4. Real Estate Law.

5. Family Law.

6. Service matter.

7. Corporate law.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. All these best Sonal Brother. You are doing very well. You are like bunch of Knowledge. You are very capable in our Legal field. I would like to see you in tip of the mountain( In Legal Field).
    Thankq brother.

    Liked by 1 person

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